Advantages of Moving to Cloud-Based Management and Productivity Software

Moving to the cloud is the hottest thing in big data as businesses progress in the 21st century. Massive improvements in web app development and ICT infrastructure (such as 5G bandwidths) fuel the drive to take almost everything on web-based systems.

Premise-based (isolated physical servers set up and maintained onsite) software and management are gradually becoming obsolete for many organizations and businesses. The primary drive, of course, is mostly to save money.

There are pros and cons to this setup, but the advantages outweigh the drawbacks when it comes to important business and operational aspects. For companies nearing end-of-service for their servers or setting up a telecommuting-empowered environment, these three benefits are good reasons to move to the cloud: Less overhead, continuous improvement, and flexibility.


Spend Less, Earn More

Spend Less, Earn More

When computers first operated for businesses, everything was done onsite. Information management, productivity implements, and related functions were set up with physical servers and connections. It proved good for businesses, but as technology improved, the need to constantly upgrade turned into heavy expenses.

Fortunately, moving to the cloud can offer significant savings. There will be lesser equipment to purchase and maintain as well as fewer experts to hire. In a study by Datometry, 61% of the companies they surveyed said that cost-cutting is their primary reason for cloud adoption. Another study by Accenture revealed that 79% of their respondents benefited from savings through lower storage and infrastructure costs (45%) and reduced legal fees (27%).

Continuous Improvement

Continuous Improvement

Cloud computing has three segments: Software-as-a-Service (SaaS), Platform-as-a Service (PaaS), and Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS). All three are serviced by established names such as Microsoft, Amazon, SAP, Oracle, and their partner providers. Thanks to the competitive (and yet collaborative) nature of cloud software businesses, standards are maintained at all-time highs.

Many providers also offer private options that enterprises might prefer, such as a custom web app service, or other tailor-fit solutions. As more SMBs and multinational corporations use the cloud, features and security protocols are also continuously improving.

A continuous upgrading process can prove costly in the long run that even governments are now adopting cloud solutions. In the U.S., about 50% of government organizations have utilized cloud services. A research paper by Macquarie found that 40% of government agencies hire external providers. Most still rely on internal resources, but confidence is growing in public web services.


Versatility and Flexibility

Versatility and Flexibility

Many aspects of business are fluctuating or need improvement on-the-go. The sudden paralysis of global commerce during the pandemic of 2020 proved how efficient cloud-empowered businesses can be.

Having resources available in a mobile fashion allows companies to be flexible in terms of working environment for their employees. A cloud-based setup also eliminates a rigid, site-locked structure that can collapse with an accident or deliberate intrusion.



Cloud-based enterprise software has helped a lot of organizations innovate to today’s web-based norm. The advantages it brings especially for medium to large corporations create not just savings but opportunities to become more productive.

Moreover, as telecommuting becomes a valuable environment for both employees and employers, web-based applications will surely increase productivity. Agencies such as USER, a digital transformation and user research firm in Singapore, can help them achieve the move seamlessly. For inquiries or consultation, you can reach out at