How Not to Lose Connections This Holiday Season

2020 has been a unique, but overwhelming year not just for individuals, but for all nations, large and developing. Routine activities, such as visiting a friend’s or family’s place, had been replaced by safety precautions as contracting the virus might lead to sudden, massive trouble.

USER is looking into helping you out on How Not to Lose Connections This Holiday Season:


One with Family and Friends

Our families and friends often reunite for a special occasion or event, just as holiday drives everyone in the world to turn into and connect with their loved ones once again. This year, most likely, it wouldn’t have been far different versus the other years if it weren’t for the pandemic. We were forced to stay away from each other physically and advised to stay at home due to how rapid the spread of the virus is.


How can we not lose connection with our families?

We make them feel our presence. Simple but meaningful gifts that could make them remember how good of a year it was, still, or something to make them reminisce some memories of the past when we all had the capability to be together personally, could also pave the way for them to be touched in a way as if we are still there. Also, we could deliver to them those gifts in an unconventional way. As for digital, an idea is we could surprise them with those unique gifts, but before delivery, we’ll beep and send them GIF cards that reveal a special intention towards the end.

Actually, anything that applies to the family is likely appreciated, because the holiday season is everyone’s favourite event in a year. Even if we are all apart, we can upgrade the experience and still feel like we are all bonded as one.


The Spirit of Holidays, Wherever You Are

Ooh, the holidays… It’s that time of the year when everyone doesn’t just remain in their seats and work. It’s the season of thanking everyone, especially our loved ones, for keeping us company throughout the year. This pandemic year, we learned that feeling the spirit of the holidays does not require us to be personally together. Rather, it’s about sharing the love that we received for the whole year

We look back on how our mothers/fathers cooked a very special meal just for us and welcomed us home, how our officemates helped us cope at work given that our new safe workplace is our home, how our friends asked us how are we doing in the middle of a breakdown and made us feel like we are not alone—everything or anything that someone did for us on any weather, place or time—we are always grateful for those big and small connections, those big and small acts of love which we are willing to give back this holiday season.

May you be spending the holidays in the house, at work, outside or in the fields, or anywhere in the world, digital—call and messaging apps, meeting apps, etc. could help us reach out to those who we are thankful for! The spirit of the holidays will never fade away as long as we feel and instill it in our hearts.


An Encouraging Type of Holiday

Even though rules tell us to be physically separated from our families and friends temporarily, we sure do have our own ways of making this year’s holiday still spectacular. Here are some creative ideas to look into:

  1. Breathe in, breathe out. Learn to take a rest! By celebrating the holiday season, we are also refreshing our minds for a more effective post-holiday work!
  2. Wrap your gifts with recycled materials or paper. Through this, you let in a healthier 2021!
  3. Eat good food—those types that you don’t get to cook every day. Those that make you feel it’s a different kind of day—make the food extra special.
  4. Let your presence be felt by your loved ones. Do a video call or even a simple phone call, and welcome the New Year together.!
  5. Be positive that next year will be the year of the “unexpected”. No one knows what the holidays or the new year may bring, so expect the unexpected! (We surely agree that the vanishing of the pandemic is the “unexpected” we are talking about. Ho ho ho!)


U Deserve This!

No one deserves a sad holiday. Our users are probably enjoying the apps that we developed for them especially this holiday season. The power of digital comes in many shapes and sizes, and gadgets and devices. What we need to do is, maximise and make use of our accessible technologies to make this year’s holiday incomparable!

User Experience Researchers Pte Ltd is glad to send out this newsletter to U, for we know that U deserve a happy holiday more than ever!


Message from the Founder

I could say that the year has been one big hurdle for us, your partner, and yours, too. We’ll use this experience to work towards a better digital year to help you cope, and for us to serve you with overflowing credibility, quality, and awesomeness! Next year, we ensure you of a much more comprehensive UX service, that will help your brand skyrocket to the top—this is not just a holiday promise, but our commitment for the years to come.

Big thanks for our great business relationship this year. Have a happy holiday, and may your holiday business goals come true!

Frank Qiu, PhD., CEO and Founder