Web design is a significant requirement for all businesses. Each company has its own method of building a strong website and uphold their brand online. With this, what could possibly be the best options for designing a website? According to some useful information on the internet, we have simple steps to design an effective business website and advertise products onto it. A good page not only has a proper form but also have quality content to engage and relate with customers.

Who are you catering to?

The first step is to clearly determine the target customers who the business wants to approach and appeal to. Typically, businesses base on some basic questions to identify their users, and their goal is to look for several suitable customers. These questions include:

  1. Who are the target consumers of your business?
  2. What are the information that users can find on your website?
  3. Is the website conveying your brand message or not?
  4. Who are your competitors?
  5. How will you differentiate your website vs your competitors?

These are the key questions for you to proceed in the design process proper. If you can’t exactly identify your target customers in the first step, you may not effectively incline your design to their wants. At this stage, designers usually apply basic tools to determine their purpose like the personality of the object, advertising directory, competitor analysis, and brand attributes.


What are your plans? Are they detailed enough?

Secondly, we need to have a specific plan for the project. One of the most difficult processes is to plan and sketch a new project from scratch. Goals will be set and it can change completely compared to the initial objectives and depend on factors surrounding the needs of the user. The design team not only builds a comprehensive website for the content and form of the enterprise but also creates some features and functions like website application, email, notification, etc… At that time, designers will already use the formed diagram to manage and control the project easier — thanks to the presentation of activities and tasks according to their specific timeline. From then on, developers will choose what tasks need to be performed beforehand, and know the time of completion. The tools that are typically used for project planning process are roadmap and GANTT diagram/chart.


What are you going to put in it?

The next step is to build the content of the website. Creating and building content is an important duty of businesses. We will have two main pointers on this step: designing the content to stimulate the customer’s behavior and optimize it on the search engine. A useful content always attracts the customer better than simply writing, because consumers always want to experience the latest services. To be able to do it, the business needs to focus on writing, font, keyword use, and layout. An article that is not useful and too long is difficult to reach customers. Instead, the articles need to have the right length, compelling content and a clear layout that makes it easy to attract customers and motivate them to click on links to other pages. If your pages needs to have a long content, you should split the content into short paragraphs to avoid distracting to the reader. An article with useful content and clear layout always leave a good impression and make customers feel more comfortable. This factor is significantly necessary that businesses must keep in mind when designing the web.

Besides, content plays an important role to help increase the visibility of the website on search engines. Creating and building good content to optimize the ranking of the website on the results pages of search engines is called Search Engine Optimization or SEO. Effective web design and content must be built with benchmarks SEO in mind. For a more ensured success, SEO keywords helps increase the crowd on the website.


How are you going to present your business in public?

It’s a great choice that you chose to invest in the form and look of the website! The website design stage is dependent on factors such as products available, brand logo, colors, tone and elements, depending on customer requirements. Imaging dominates quite well in web design. Picture quality not only gives the appearance of a professional sales website but also conveys the message of your business, and thereby build trust for your brand. Content represented by the image keeps you ahead for an effective web design and quality. Customers will easily be attracted by the fascinating image, and the impression from the drama the image portrays increases click counts, visits and sales interactions. The more pictures in the website, the more easily you could reach out to your customers. Visual design truly is a way to communicate and engage to users who visit your website.

Website development UX UI agency


To sum it up, in the era of digitization, website design makes a useful tool to your business for it to increase its competitiveness in the market. Therefore, invest in the website design stage, or preferably partner with a UX design agency to be able to radically increase the chances of your website’s success.